“The Manga Wave Relieved the pain so well I was ready to DANCE” -Konstatin Nemetz

 In Magna Wave

Today Certified Magna Wave Practitioner Lee Thornton shared a story with us about a treatment she did recently the results were amazing, after posting her story we began getting comments from her client. Not only did he get the pain Relief the Magna Wave helped with his hemorrhoids too! Read what Lee and Konstatin have to say below \

“This is a testimonial from Konstantin after one Magna Wave treatment for chronic pain. He is an immigrant from Moldova who works as a Program Coordinator at The Interpreter Services Department at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. After one treatment he “slept like a baby” and was able to walk without a walker, stunning himself and his co-workers. Reactions like his are some of the most rewarding!” – Lee Doran-Thornton, CMWP

“Lee Doran Thornton put the smile back on my face. For the last half a year or so the pain in the legs was excruciating. The Magna Wave relieved the pain so well I was ready to dance. My back, on which Lee worked as well, feels like the back of a 20 years old, fresh and healthy, with no pain at all. The lower back doesn’t hurt at all after the procedure.” – Konstantin Nemetz

“People, don’t be shy to talk to anyone about your needs to be healthy, and trust the Magna Wave. Even if it’s a temporary relief and if you have to repeat the procedure from time to time it’s much better than taking pills. I was on Oxycodone for pain, lately taking 5 mg up to 3 times a day. I didn’t take any of it yesterday and none today.” – Konstantin Nemetz

I also want to recommend the device to people who suffer from hemorrhoids. I do have them lately, just like many people of my age, and I wonder why so many people are shy to talk about them. Is that just because the place they are located at? People, colon cancer appears in the same place, but we’re not shy to talk about it, so why are we so shy about hemorrhoids that put us through so much pain?Yesterday, jokingly, I asked Lee if we she can treat hemorrhoids with Magna Wave as well. Turns out we can. Last night and today I went to bathroom with no pain, and I have a feeling of healthy tightness in my colon. I suppose the hemorrhoids might provoke an inflammatory process as well, which is also gone. The pain was provoking an urge to urinate quite often. Not anymore.” – Konstantin Nemetz

Thank you Lee Doran Thornton, CMWP for all your hard work, we are so grateful to have you s part of the Magna Wave Family, also thank you Kathryn for sharing the pictures and Konstatin Nemetz Thank you for Sharing your story to help others!

Below is a video from Konstantin himself

Side note : Magna Wave does not pay for testimonials ever.

Thanks for reading! Magna Wave PEMF , Safety Testing, Clinical Trials & Studies, sharing the our love of helping others daily!

Alane Paulley

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